Thalia and Matilda build an obstacle course, a walk around the ponds, a hike up Keller

23 images
1. Two adirondack chairs plus cushions make for a great obstacle course



10. Fairy slippers

12. Sink hole. The spring peepers had pretty much finished their songs for the year.

13. Globe flower or marsh marigold?

16. Superb beaver lodge

18. Meadow (free of oxeye daisies)


23. Black headed grosbeak - fledglings? (there were 4 of them)



30. Edwina

32. Rosy finches or Cassin's finches?

36. Pine siskin

39. Dusk

40. Hike up Keller - view from end of road

41. Start of Keller Trail, near Gore Range Trail

42. Blue grouse

46. North Rock Creek

47. Keller

48. Rotten snow in the woods blocked progress about about 11,200'

53. Keystone in the distance