Winter Weekend
A weekend of fun in the cold sunshine - sledding, reading, skiing...

1a. Sledding! Five short videos (81 seconds) of things going right, and not so right..
1 & 2. Lydia and Thalia
3. Clara and Zach get off track
4. Scott was supposed to catch little Hannah (2), but...
5. Clara and Jen flip

1. Rosy finches, numbering a hundred or more.


3. Panorama of Jen's and Em's cabins

4. Emmy & Matilda, then Matilda, Grandpa, and Thalia

5a. Zippy

6. Scott & Mary, guests of Emmy & Michael

7. Scott & Mary's daughters, Lydia (6, left) and Hannah (2, right), with Matilda in the middle

8. Emmy & Michael hosted a mini-soiree. Here are Cindy & Dave, Dan, and Michael

9. Joan, Jen, Barbara, and Jessica

11. Scott, Mary, Lee, Michael, Emmy (Hannah below)

12. Michael, Dan, Cindy, Dave

13. Matilda (3) and Zach (10)

14. Jessica, Alex (CU soph), and Lee

15. Thalia and Lydia

16. Lee and Michael

18. Scott & Mary

19. Dan, Cindy & Dave

20. Jessica, Alex, Michael, Barbara, Lee

21. Joan & Bill

End of soiree at Emmy & Michael's
22. Zach, Dan, and Zippy

23. Ski trip - Michael & Emmy...

24. ...and a different ski trip, Dave and Cindy

26. Olaf?.. beside the Gore Range Trail

28. Skiing home across the beaver ponds