Thanksgiving 2016
Jen & Dan & family, Emmy & Michael & family, plus Dan's sister Debbie & Clay Houser & Dan & Debbie's second cousin Avive made a festive crew

20 images
1. Jen, Emmy, and Matriarch Joan

2. Debbie and Clay

3. Left: Michael with Emmy, who had worked in the ER all day, arriving shortly before 6 PM dinner, ready for a special cocktail - cranberry-gin fizz - that Jen made. Right: Dan & Jen

5. Debbie, Clay, and Avive (who turned 18 in late October, only to see her first vote go for naught)

6. Girls coloring while Zach watches TV



9. Grandpa carved the turkey... under supervision.

11. The Children's Table


13. After dinner, we read notes of Thanksgiving...

14. ... some of which were less serious than others.


16. After dinner Theater queue

17. Zach (Director) welcomes audience

19. many whirling dervishes.. final round of applause