1999-2000 New Year's
We arrived at the cabin on December 30th. Jen & Dan's friends Naomi Lubarr (a classmate of Jen's) and Chris Williams (classmate of Dan's) and spouse Carrie Bolton joined us. It hadn't snowed for a week, so the trail was packed, and I went along on a few trips up the trail.

Jen and Dan!

After the ranch bonfire welcoming the new millenium, Jen and Dan became engaged! A late summer 2000 wedding is planned.

Clockwise from top Left: The Betrothed, Chris, Carrie, ranch neighbors Wes & Kristy Hyde, Naomi, Joan's hands with own (bottom) and daughter's rings.

New Year's lunch with the Swartzes and Hunters

Sledding with the Johnsons (Jessica, Lee, Alex, Sydney), Lords (Meredith, Peter, Lindsay), McKinney/Bonfields (Sue, Marshall, Forrest).

Sam Kirk and Belle take the newly engaged couple for a ride in a one horse open sleigh!
Handsome young fella!