An evening with Rocio & Luismi
I observed Rocio's flamenco class....

Estudio Flamenco Antoņete
c/ Virgen del Carmen Dolorosa, 14
Tfnos: 954 376 346 / 667 401 040
web: www.estudioflamencoantoņ

Video #2
Video #3
Video #4 The entire show!

1 (of 11) Antonio, the teacher, enters. That's me sitting in the chair

2 (of 11) They started with some stretching exercises

3 (of 11) They spent a full hour on a series of steps...

4 (of 11) that, once learned, require only about 4 seconds to complete. This dispelled any doubts I might have had about the complexity of flamenco!

5 (of 11)

6 (of 11)

7 (of 11) And then we went to dinner at Rocio and Luismi's home. This is a model boat that Luismi's father made from scratch.

8 (of 11) hors d'oeuvres - sardines, salmon, garlic toast, and cod

9 (of 11) entree - lubina (sea bass) lying on a bed of sea salt..

10 (of 11) ... covered with a blanket of sea salt, then baked. Delicious!

11 (of 11) This gives an idea of the scale of the boat.