Furnace progress, deck framing
The heat is on in both cabins. Decks are largely framed.

16 images
1. Lot 2 - tall posts to support roof over porch

2. Lot 2: basement windows are installed

3. Lot 2: deck joists are stained

4. Lot 2

5. Lot 2: furnace is working. Electrical box ready for inspection

6. Lot 2: basement windows are installed. Waiting for door.

7. Lots 2 and 3: sixty degrees inside

8. Lot 3 from inside Lot 2 cabin

9. Lot 3: deck progress

10. Lot 3: basement window installed

11. Lot 3: drywall delivered, windows installed

12. Lot 3: furnace, and work on electric box

13. Lot 3: basement wall framed, window installed

14. Lot 3: one window not installed, for access to basement

15. Lot 3: electric box to be inspected tomorrow

16. Lot 3: deck framed